Ballad of Christina Green

January 12, 2011

Christina was a bright little girl
you could see it in her eyes
And as her learning increased
her spirit it would rise.

But a Wicked wicked witch in the far far west
cared not a whit for that
her victims were anonymous
like a city, on a map

So she had her hired guns
on sunny Tucson town take aim
“But Somebody’s gonna get killed”,
Gabriell did complain.

The wicked witch said ‘shut up ya wimp
I dont give a fart’
Next thing little Christina lay
with a bullet through her Heart.

And now all of those TeaBaggers,
Each and every one
Standing in the light of Day
See what your Hate has done.

My name is Adolf Hitler, I’m the leader of the band .

And if you do not play it right  I will put you in the can.

I’ll turn on the gas jets, just like I did the Jews,

And when they get a whiff of you, everybody will say ‘Pewwwww’ ! 

My dear Third Reich went down in flames, and that is such a shame.

But it wasn’t I who screwed it up, everyone else is to blame.

So now I sing this song to you from a warm beer hall in Hell,

And send my Holiday Greetings, though I doubt you’ll wish me well.

You all must understand,  it was just a children’s game,

though the toys were large, the blood was was real and so was the fire and flame. 

 I hope to Re-Incarnate and do it all again,   

But I ain’t seen neither hide ner hair of that silly old Buddha man.

The Boss of this exciting place keeps calling me a wus.

If he were not mien Fuhrer, I’d smack him in his puss

I’ll toe the line, I’ll bide my time though it takes Eternity

And see my Party rise again like missles from the sea.

The swill they serve from these foul kegs is rancid through and through

They call it ‘Amish Hard Cider’ and it’s all they’ll serve to you.

It’s nothing like a lager, it’s really not a brew,

And if I said what’s in it, you’d be disgusted too.

The Boss it seems, has full control and obstacles loom so large….

But I guess it is no secret that I want to be in charge 

Perhaps I should plan a little coup, or maybe an outright Putsch

Cause the way things are goin’ here it couldn’t get much worse.

I’ve got a hobo on the oboe he is driving me insane.

A  strumpet on trumpet, she’s a beauty but a pain.

Nero’s on the fiddle though he cannot really play,

And a wicked electric drum machine called I. B. Digits by name.

Ronnie Reagon tickles the ivories of a piano never in tune.

George Bush can play electric guitar, we hope he gets here soon.

He has no choice in the matter, let me make this plain,

He’ll have to co-exist with our bassist Saddam Hussien.

Oh, my name is Adolf Hitler, I’m the leader of the band. 

And if you do not play it right  I will put you in the can.

I’ll turn on the gas jets, just like I did the Jews. 

And when they get a whiff of you, everybody will say ‘Pewwwww’ !

The loftiest project and goal of the Intellect is to set Itself free from the Intellect of others.  To free oneself as much as possible from those social, religious and political inventions that steer us far from the truth and make Reality impossible to grasp.  Thereby making us easy to sway, manipulate and exploit.
That lead to us choose, as an ultimate outcome, the annihilation of 100,000 fresh faced  Iraqi conscripts by the B-52 bombs, in order to save 10 cents on a gallon of gasoline.  In our Latest War.
No, we haven’t made any progress at all from the days of Stalin, who said “the death of a single person is a tragedy.  The death of a million people is a statistic”.
The death of these 100,000 boys was and is a fact, but it was never reported as such in the modern Media  language of war.   There was no need to even conceptualize it, or concieve it.  If anything, that 100,000 is just a number.   So it was just a ‘number’ that was anihilated.
Of course there was no reporting from the scene of the families of these boys. There were not 100,000 news spots covering each of them.  Not 100,000 ‘human interest stories’  of the grief, woe and despair this action mis-created.
So, Pragmatically, for us, for the consumers,  the gas burners, the sports fans,  the TV watchers, the MSN readers,  this brutal, callous and cruel killing of 100,000 young boys might well have never taken place at all.  Except it did happen.
So now it looks like the Regime Change was a success.  But at what human cost?  500,000, 1,000,000 or 1,500,000  deaths. Certainly magnitudes more death, horror and terror than there would have been if Saddam had been left alone.  Do the Math.
We can take it for granted that politicians are insincere.  So I am not even going to bother blaming them.
No, I place the blame on  the Intellectuals of America, and especially Academic Philosophers, broadly speaking,  who have been a party to the destruction of language, of meaning,  honest dialogue  and the very concept of a fact.   Which has led our culture and our politics into an irratational numb minded stupor.
Marx’s prophesy of the corruption of all the institutions by Capitalism – Medicine, Law, Commerce  also extends to the Academy.
Read between the lines:  The Academy is corrupt!